Introduction of the CITONORM+ cure  


Dr. PAPP Lehel György

Dr. PAPP Lehel György

Surgeon, traumatologist, orthopedic and plastic surgeon. Director of the Medical Research Unit of FEMERAID International, secretary general of the Magisterial Medical and Health Care Council, director of Femeraid International – Research Institute for Natural Medicines.

Professor István Horváth, who has helped 40,000 people to recover in the last twenty years with the invention of “cholesterol antigenization”.
With Professor HORVÁTH István, who helped more than 40.000 people to recover in the last decade, as he invented „cholesterol antigenization”.

In the last few years, I was dealing with Professor Horvath’s „cholesterol antigenization” and with the effects of Tolerin, invented by professor Bertók. In several cases we could achieve very good results, if we applied a combination of these two treatments (which I initiated myself). As a surgeon I’ve seen many cases where the patient’s leg had to be amputated due to atherosclerosis. The amputation is always painful not only for the patient. For a surgeon it’s a really painful moment, when we need to amputate a leg of a living person, and cut thorough wax like, lifeless tissues. After we saw off the leg and it just stays in our hand. It’s terrible. I found it unbelievable, when we were able to save a patient’s leg by applying this combined cure, after his toe(s) had to be amputated. I considered it as a huge and unbelievable success. In mid-December of 2017 it became clear, that the antigen developed by professor Horváth is not available anymore.  (Professor Horváth passed away on the 6th of May 2018.) The fact, that those in need were denied this opportunity meant a huge problem of conscience for me! Nobody knew, why it happened (except the family of professor Horváth), but it was highly unlikely, that the “cholesterol antigenization cure” could continue in the near future. Due to that, I searched for alternatives (possibly such alternatives, which the authorities, who were hunting us for no reason, couldn’t disagree with). It was a very heavy task, if we consider that the authorities tried to confine those homeopathic products, which were in use since more than 200 years. (They stated that these products encourage the patients not to use any medication material produced by drug manufacturing factories.) I must highlight, that we do not use any homeopathic products, although the CitonormPlus cure has many things in common with those theoretically and practically as well! We should remember, that the water molecules can arrange themselves in some cases into hexagonal formations around a ring, which is called a “quantum-tunnel composite”.  This phenomenon goes well beyond the known three physical states, liquid, solid and gas. In this state water acts differently than usual, because it can quantum move. (In this state the water molecules are able to go through a solid wall, which is impossible according to rules of classic physics.) This ability is a fundamental part of our success. We also need to mention the healing power of the drug interactions. (This area of medical science and pharmacy is not studied thoroughly enough yet…)

Doctor's office Budapest II. district.
My medical office in the 2nd district of Budapest.

We also know that some pharmaceutical companies provide such drugs, which have the same amount of active substances, but they do not have the same effect. (One of them cures an illness and the other “not really”.) I’m not sure I should draw parallels between the protests of the Hungarian government and the poor quality of corporates’ products distributed in Hungary. (One of our friends buys even the detergents in Germany during his official travels. He is doing so, because his wife is convinced, that the German detergents clean more effectively and doesn’t damage the colors that much!) Due to the abovementioned reasons we do not recommend to replace the CitonormPlus  ampules with the ampules produced by any other pharmaceutical company, even if it’s broken. If so, please contact us, and we replace it with another “original”. (This is especially true for INFOSOL, the red dot ampoule!)

Basics of the CitonormPlus cure:

Significance of homeopathic products

Those who use homeopathic products stated that the efficiency can be increased, if we use “potentiation” methods (such as rubbing, shaking) between the sessions. They say that these methods are able to dissolve the toxic (poisonous) effects of the products; meanwhile the solvent (mostly water, alcohol or sugar) adopts some characteristics of the products itself.  The final product is mostly so dilute, that chemically it cannot be distinguished from the pure solvent. It is undeniable, that the users (believers?) of homeopathic products never stated, that the “homeopathic effect” would take place on molecular level during the homeopathic mechanism. The aim of homeopathic products is to initiate and support the self-healing processes of the human body.  The homeopathy is a holistic cure, according to its basic principles it doesn’t want to cure the illness only, but the entire human body. Its main directions are the classical, clinical and complex homeopathy. Some homeopaths also have a medical degree. (In some countries, such as in Hungary medical degree is mandatory.) In some fields (e.g.: midwifery, sports medicine) homeopathic products can also be used by specialists, who do not have medical degree, or by qualified healthcare workers. Homeopathy was founded by a German physician and chemist Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843) between 1790 and 1843. It was introduced in Hungary in the 1820’s. We need to highlight that during the production of the Citonorm Plus vaccines the sequential dilution isn’t used, which is characteristic for the homeopathic products by the way …)

Importance of the vibration values

According to the homeopathic aspect (and to several other eastern aspects) all human functions are controlled by the vigor. As long as the vigor has its balance, the human stays healthy. The pathological symptoms indicate inner disturbance, which must not be suppressed with allopathic (usual, over-the-counter) drugs. The human body must be reinforced against the given symptom, because the human body usually knows by itself what to do in case of such situation. The homeopathic cure lets the healing process work, and doesn’t stop it.  According to researches the mode of action in case of homeopathic cures is probably effecting the vibration of the body. By reason of homeopathic products resonance-frequency of the body changes specifically and permanently: water “remembers” like water-crystals. The own frequency spectrum of the homeopathic products is stored within the liquid crystals in form of information. These spectrums will resonate with the diseased cells, tissues, organs and with the own frequency of the human body during the treatment. Homeopathy cures are based on information. It reveals the healing power of each natural material, which is to be found within their resonance.  It is the reason, why homeopathic products are so effective, despite the fact, that they do not have any or only minimal chemical substances (and due to that they have no side effects!). The information of the active substance, which is responsible for healing, is a fully transcendent (unalienable) attribute of each atom (which the temporal physicist renamed lately, it is called a connection). The information describes the location of given particles in a given three-dimensional structure. This location will be applied to the carrier substance during dilution. It will be recorded there (in the three-dimensional structure of the carrier substance), permanently deforming its subatomic structure. Just as when we press a key into modelling clay, its imprint will be preserved under proper circumstances.  In this way we can transform simple water into homeopathic drugs. (In professor Horváth’s antigen we can find only in such cholesterol molecules, which have a specific three-dimensional structure. These were the so called “medicated isomers”).

Footage of a carrier substance – Professor Horváth – and the footage of the same substance after the information were applied
Enlarged image of the central part with cholesterol antigen information. (The much more structured, detailed expression is clearly visible.)
Magnified footage of the central part of the cholesterol antigen, with information. (It is more detailed and more structured.)

(The footage was taken in June of 2018, in Switzerland, in a well-equipped institution.)

The characteristics of all proteins, which shape the living organisms, depend not only on the type, number, and bindings of their atoms, but also on their three-dimensional shape. The enzymes are functioning in living creatures only in given three-dimensional formations. The human body is capable to identify the foreign substances, not only based on their harmful chemical reactions, but on their three-dimensional shape.  The human bodies’ own cells have an identifying key that notifies the immune system about their status. This key is a molecule formation in a specific shape. Enzymes can only function in a living organism by assuming a certain spatial formation! A cell without a key will be identified as an enemy. Water is a very small molecule, so we can transform it into a cluster structure (drop-like molecule formation), which will be identified as enemy (or friend) by the immune system. The expression “information” really means „in the formation”.

Appointment of the Director and FEMERAID International Medical Research Unit to the post of Secretary-General of the Medical and Health Council of the Magistrate.
Assignment for the following offices: Director of the medical research unit of FEMERAID international and Secretary General of the Magisterial Medical and Health Care Council

Importance and visualization of vibration – information of water

Masaru Emoto (1943 – 2014)
Masaru Emoto (1943 – 2014)

Masaru Emoto a Japanese scientist discovered that water defies the rules of physics in many ways. Contrary to other materials, it doesn’t act as it should. For example its boiling point is at +100 Celsius instead of -75 Celsius (which would be realistic based on its molecular weight), and its freezing point is exactly zero, although based on the periodic system it should be at -120 Celsius.  When the water freezes, it expands and loses weight, although based on the rules of physics it should contract and gain weight. Science wasn’t able to explain these irregularities even today. At the same time, these “irregularities” enabled life on Earth in the first place. If water would behave in accordance with the laws of physics, or planet would be an uninhabited, mere desert. Without any organic life. Water doesn’t only contain chemically justifiable materials, but also different information from those materials, with which it came into contact. There aren’t any identical snowflakes. All of them are unique, but all of them are hexagonal shaped crystals. It looks like all water drops would be an independent entity. A personality, which cannot be changed. If we melt a snowflake, and freeze it again, it will have the same shape as before. Until now only the evidences of homeopathy could prove, that water is able to store information. But Emoto used new methods to analyze this capability of water. He used device, a magnetic resonance analyzer (MRA), which makes the energies, invisible for the human eye, visible. With this procedure the impacts of substantial and not substantial phenomenon –thoughts, words, music, global events – on water became visible.







The president honored my work.


The main point of the Citonorm Plus cure

As we described before: The aim of these (homeopathic like) products is to initiate and support the self-healing processes. The cholesterol antigenization invented by professor Horváth and the Tolerin treatment invented by professor Bertók take effect on the whole human body. (Let’s presume that the medical science in the coming years will be able to change the human body so it will be able to heal itself instead of healing organs and only dissolving symptoms.) To this end we have evolved and established the CitonormPlus cure, which includes the benefits of both cholesterol antigenization invented by professor Horváth and the Tolerin treatment invented by professor Bertók. Moreover, it was completed with such vitamins which help the human body to heal itself. Interesting as it is – and as an argument against the placebo effect – I note that dogs also recovered from the disease as a result of our treatment!

On July 22, 2018, Citonorm + received a certificate of compliance with the Health Protection Muslim Law.


(Some aspects of this law have lost their value over time, and not all of the health hazards are typical in our climate and habits…) It should be noted however, that compared to our increasingly indulgent food and drug licensing system, Muslim rigor is a guarantee of no harm to health! (Not like energy drinks, food preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc. – Harmful E-number compounds, or some drugs that from time to time have to be withdrawn from the market…!).

The used components are produced by German pharmaceutical companies (… so everything is legal and permitted). The cure couldn’t have any side effect or deteriorations!  There are no contraindications! We also consider it important to always highlight that those in need „receive another chance” due to this cure.  The cure becomes effective and provides a long term success if the patients tries to have a healthier lifestyle as well (for example they smoke only one pack of cigarette instead of 3 per day…).

 If you are not ready to change your life, there’s no help for you.


Important informations:

Citonorm+ was awarded a Gold Medal at the “International Inventors Conference and Exhibition” in October 2019 and shortly thereafter worldwide protection!

Where does the name “CitonormPlus” come from

The word “cito” is part of many medical expressions; it indicates the connection between the composite’s suffix and the cells of the human body (e.g. cytology, cytoplasm etc.) The part “norm” means normal. This expression tires to highlight that we’d like to restore the normal cell function. The symbol “+” or Plus completes the expression: “we want even more”.

The effects of the cholesterol antigenization invented by professor Horváth and the Tolerin treatment invented by professor Bertók

  1. The cholesterol antigenization invented by professor Horváth aims to normalize the cell functions. It stimulates the plasma cells within the blood with a steric cholesterol isomer. Due to this stimulation the blood’s plasma cells increase their cholesterol antibody production. These antibodies cover the surface of the so called “bad” cholesterol molecules, due to that they become usable, so the cells’ cholesterol needs can be satisfied more effectively. (Despite its bad reputation, cholesterol is very important for the human body! It plays an essential part in the cells’ structure, bindings, and production of hormones controlling sexual behavior and mineral metabolism as well as vitamin D or the bile production. For the proper functioning of our organs, cholesterol is indispensable.)
  2. The Tolerin discovered by professor Bertók is a substance that has the attributes of an intestinal bacterium, which is the biggest threat for the human body. If this bacterium gets to the abdomen, it begins to multiply on high speed and kills the body (SEPSIS!), which cannot keep pace with the spreading of this pathogen. But if the body receives a warning in time, then it has enough time to prepare itself against the attack. So there won’t be any incurable sepsis, because the body is prepared and able to defend itself…
  3. According to our experience Tolerin helps the immune system to react faster and more effectively, which causes the escalation of cholesterol antigenization (In many cases it can perform even a miracle).

The CitonormPlus cure also contains vitamin like material

Which can dissolve cardiovascular and gastrointestinal symptoms, and increase the neurological system. These vitamins have a significant role in building up of all cells and molecules within the human body. This process is completed by several combined vitamin-mineral cures, because our nourishment isn’t as rich in vitamins and minerals as it used to be…

Citonorm+ injection protocols (rules)

One “CitonormPlus” cure contains 5 intravenous (or intramuscular!) injections. The patient receives 3 injections in the first two weeks of the treatment. A month later comes the 4th and another month later the 5th injection. After these 5 injections are completed, in order to keep up the positive results further injections are necessary in every two year (depending on the patient’s lifestyle even more often).

In the security packaging (shielded against radiation) there are 3 kinds of ampoules. During the injection one from all 3 must be used at the same time and the mixture must be injected into a vein or muscle. Firstly take the ampoule on the right side (marked with a red dot), after that the ampoule covered with white paper (B1), then the brown, naked ampoule must be added to the mixture of the first two ampoules. You don’t need to use the whole content of the brown ampoule! If we use 5+1 ml syringes, then 1 – 1,5 ml from it is enough (See below at the end of this section!)

Optional (not mandatory)

Before the first and after the fifth injection a laboratory test can be made, but it is not mandatory. [blood sugar, liver function, necro enzyme, renal function, (carb.N., creat. uric acid) further Na, K, Cl, Mg, Fe, (TVK, LVK)]. But we don’t aim to set the laboratory values! We want to dissolve the symptoms, and restore the health and well-being. Its improving effect is noticeable for a year and then the improved condition – in case of a proper health-friendly lifestyle it lasts for 6-7 years. Thereafter, it is recommended to give a booster injection every year (but even more frequently depending on the lifestyle) in order to maintain the favorable result. There is a way to apply this cure faster; the 5 injections can be injected in 2 or 3 weeks as well. (We prefer the 2 months long cure, because it has shown better long term results.) If somebody doesn’t have a proper vein, the mixture can be injected into his muscle as well. On the day before, and on the day of Citonorm Plus treatment patients should drink plenty of liquids!

Risks and Contraindications to Citonorm + Treatment

According to our opinion and experiences this treatment has no risks. (It only contains such materials, which were produced under strict circumstances approved by pharmaceutically regulations.) There are no contraindications, it can be used at any ages. If required, the treatment can be repeated more often (annually even).

Expectable result of the Citonorm+ cure

Considering the facts, that our treatment doesn’t aim only one single organ, and it helps in case of many illnesses – different timeframe and healing process is expected. (We need to remember that this treatment initiates the human body’s own healing processes, which means improvements can be expected even a year later.) It normalizes the cells’ functioning. (It creates a balance.) We have experienced that our patients, who had sleeping problems, could sleep better and longer after the treatment. Others sleep well, but wake up early. But all members of these two groups mentioned that they wake up well-rested! Another good example is the disorder of thyroid function. It cures both under-operation and over-action.

The normalization of cellular function resulted in the mitigation and cessation of many complaints, of which the most common were so far:

  • Sleep became more balanced and relaxing.
  • The sense of well-being and strength have improved.
  • Gastrointestinal digestive complaints have disappeared.
  • The blood pressure normalized, patient left his medicine.
  • Hair loss disappeared, hair growth increased, hair darkened.
  • The brain function improved. (“As if the computer was reprogrammed.”)
  • Tinnitus ceased.
  • The narrowing of the carotid artery decreased, ceased.
  • Coronary artery stenosis, angina pectoris decreased, ceased.
  • The degree of diabetes has decreased, disappeared.
  • The walking distance increased (in case of lower limb atherosclerosis).
  • The symptoms of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease have also decreased… etc. etc.

Comments and expectable improvements for the future

Directly before the treatment, patients should drink more liquids! But there are no regulations regarding eating.  After the injections there is no sick feeling, abnormal vision, headache, dizziness. The daily routine is not changed. (You can plan your day as you wish.) The Citonorm+ treatment is based on our experience from many years, but it is still a new method. Due to this, there is a chance that it will change during the coming years. We intend to improve our processes, based on the future experiences. We’d like to make it more effective. We have managed to presume the information, so it won’t be damaged during transport. This means, the most important part of CitonormPlus can be transferred as well. We would like to make our cure accessible in all settlements of our country. Due to high interest, we’d like to make it accessible worldwide as well. Patients come to us from all around the world even now. Mostly from China, Slovakia, Transylvania, Austria, Germany, The United States, Australia, South-America, etc…). But we have to wait a few years until it can be distributed worldwide. We also need to mention the bio-resonance treatment as well. This is an energy treatment (fully legal!!), during which the electromagnetic vibration of the human body will be utilized.

In this case the treatment is based on the laws of waves and interference.  During the treatment we remove the harmful, discordant frequencies, and strengthen the weak healthy frequencies. If we know the frequency pattern of a harmful material within a body, then we can resolve the bindings of that material, using the pattern’s inverse and amplified form, so that material can be removed from the body. (Due to the interference the pathological signs within the sick human body will be weakened and postponed. Until the physiologic signals strengthen. As a result, the human body will be able to control and heal itself without external help.)

The invitation appointment

Letters of appointment

Dr. Papp was appointed by a leading Chinese institution from Guangdong as science consultant. This appointment could give fresh impetus to the researches made for the sake of future developments. All products used during the treatments are “approved”, legal products. The Hungarian order Szent Hippokratész Egyházi Gyógyító Rend offered financial and moral support. Thanks to these our treatment is accessible for those in need. (We’d like to thank you, if you can support them, as they do not receive any financial support from the government. So they use their own money to pay for the treatments. If this money is gone, then the treatment goes with it…) We recommend the healthy lifestyle for everyone! A given amount of vitamins and minerals are mandatory in order to have a healthy lifestyle. (We use the „Vital 0-A-B-AB” product by Calivita Company since years. This is a food supplement, which has a separate product for each blood type.  It also contains herbal components against typical illnesses per blood type.)

„Export” (safety) packaging from the European Union.

Let me quote from the Hippocratic Oath:

I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course.

Finally, we’d like to highlight that in healing everything has its place, surgery, use of medication, homeopathy, nutrition, but mostly the psychological problems. (Healing cannot be automated.) The products used during the treatments are “approved”, legal products, and cannot be considered as chemical “drugs”!)

Budapest / Hungary on the 31st July 2020.

Dr. Papp Lehel György
Surgeon, traumatologist, orthopedic and plastic surgeon


I recommend this documentation my colleagues in the first place, so they will be able to answer the questions of their patents. The material is long, and people may get bored with it very quickly, or miss important points. Due to this, at the beginning there is also a shorter version…

How to mix the components of CitonormPlus injection

  1. First, suck up in a syringe of  5+1 ml the content of the ampoule with the red dot (modified Aqua ad Inj.) (2ml). Reg.No.: 2559.99.99
  2. Secondly, suck up the content of  the ampule  with two stripes (modified B1) (2ml) Reg.No.: 6043558.00.00.
  3. Complete the mixture with content of the brown ampoule (B6) (minimum 1 ml). Reg.No.: 6727966.00.00.

Then inject it i.v. or i.m. (Into a vein or the muscle.)



Szent Hippokratész Egyházi Gyógyító Rend

Heals or complains decrease in the following cases:

  1. Sleep becomes more balanced and relaxed.
  2. Wellbeing and strength improve.
  3. Digestive complaints of gastrointestinal tract will be eliminated.
  4. Blood pressure normalizes and patients leave medicine.
  5. Hair loss ceases, hair growth increases, color darkens.
  6. Brain function improves. (“As if the computer was being re-programmed.”)
  7. Tinnitus ceases.
  8. The stenosis of the cervical artery, carotis decreases and disappears.
  9. The narrowing of the coronary artery, the angina pectoris decreases.
  10. The degree of diabetes decreases and diabetes ceases.
  11. Walking distance increases (in case of lower limb atherosclerosis).

According to the pricing used in the pharmaceutical industry, the price of such treatment should be well over five hundred thousand (500,000 HUF about 2,000 CHF) forints, but thanks to the support of the Holy Hippocratic Church Healing Order, the actual price is a fraction of that amount!

Handing over the “HALAL” document and comments

Transfer of “HALAL”

Balázs Mihálffy

Olyan életteljesítményt díjaztunk, ami valós teljesítményen alapszik. Nem manipulált statisztikák, elfogyasztott gyógyszerek, árbevételek, gazdasági mutatók, hanem újból járni, mozogni képes tagok, visszanyert életek, meggyógyult emberek határozták meg döntésünket.

Marika Bohacs

Congratulation for your amazing talent and hard work to create amazing product,
Wishing you all the best.

Çicek Mawlana

Masallah szivből gratulálok minden tiszteletem az Önöké!

Javier Portugal


Bachir Fekhar

gratulalok remélem hosznalhato Algériaban

„Export” (safety) packaging from the European Union. 550 CHF

Important information:

A “pandemic” Covid-19 infection in early 2020 “swept the globe” – but none of the patients treated with CitonormPlus got the infection! Based on this, we believe that (perhaps thanks to the Tolerin information!)  The CitonormPlus treatment significantly strengthened the immune system and thus is also excellent for prevention.

New recognition and appointment

In Femeraid International – Natural Medicine Related Research Institutefor the post of director.



Aldous Huxley

Healthcare has undergone such a tremendous development that nowadays no healthy person lives on Earth.

CitonormPlus treatment has produced excellent results – and that’s the point: IT WORKS. There’s an explanation, but it’s less important…

St. Augustine (354-430) said:

Miracles do not happen contrary to the laws of nature, but contrary to our conceptions of the laws of nature.

(István Drahos’s graphics – from my former hospital, from my master …)